MEP Engineering designers talk. Environment and Equipment Idea Note TOP

The light you need, where you need it

Good light is essential for a good reading experience.
The MUFG PARK Library, which aims to obtain "ZEB Ready" certification, is trying to reduce energy consumption while realizing the concept of "bookshelves in the forest," and the theme is to create a calm lighting environment that harmonizes with the architectural design. This time, we will introduce the search for ways to ensure energy conservation and brightness.

Interior. The concept is "a bookshelf in the forest with a roof over it."

The architectural design of this library allows for natural lighting through full-height windows and high side windows. For this reason, the task and ambient method is adopted, with the premise of keeping the average illuminance provided by lighting to a minimum, and the necessary brightness is ensured by stand and desk lighting in reading areas (while keeping illuminance from the ceiling to a minimum).

Indirect lighting is installed on the bookshelves that cover one wall, which characterizes the building, and they function as decorative lighting that illuminates the spines of the books. This not only creates a sense of brightness in the space by illuminating the entire bookshelves, but also provides light at hand when a book is picked up and selected.
By using these methods, we were able to achieve both energy savings and a sense of brightness by providing just the right amount of brightness wherever it is needed.

The bookshelf covering one wall is an icon of this facility.

An approach to creating impressive spaces through electrical equipment

When selecting and installing lighting fixtures, we work in coordination with the architectural design team, focusing on creating a spatial design that makes the most of the lighting fixture's functionality while minimizing its presence.
Only downlights are installed on the ceiling to harmonize with the simple design. The downlights are glareless fixtures that are not noticeable in the space, and a mechanism has been created that allows part of the ceiling to be removed for an inspection hatch for the power supply unit installed in the ceiling, harmonizing the simple ceiling with the design for ease of maintenance. To reduce the number of inspection hatches, no wiring other than for the downlights is run above the ceiling, and wiring to outlets, wall-mounted bookshelves, etc. is run under the floor.

A small downlight that blends in with the ceiling so that no fixtures or other fixtures are visible.

There are almost no lights on the ceiling, but various measures have been taken with the stand lights and bookshelf lights to avoid a feeling of "darkness" in the space. The installation method and wiring route for the wall-mounted bookshelf lights have been carefully considered from the design stage, and the lighting functions are fully utilized while the fixtures themselves are not visible, and are skillfully incorporated into the design of the bookshelf.
By creating a sense of brightness without making the fixtures themselves noticeable, we were able to achieve a lighting plan that harmonizes with the architectural design.

Drastically reducing power consumption through lighting planning, leading to energy savings throughout the building

今回、世界的なカーボンニュートラルの動きの中で環境への取り組みを一層高めていくべく、「ZEB Ready」の取得を与件としました。
延床面積500㎡規模の計画では、照明の消費エネルギーが全体のBEI値に与える影響は大きく、照明エネルギーの低減を「ZEB Ready」達成の中心的な手段としました。
前述のタスク&アンビエント方式の導入に加え、本棚照明は適切な配置で上下配光とすることで明るさ感に配慮。消費電力の低減に加え、明るさセンサーやタイマー制御を導入することで省エネ性に配慮した照明制御を行っています。その結果、照明のBEI/Lは0.13と、建物全体のエネルギー消費量低減に大きく貢献し、「ZEB Ready」を取得することができました。

Evening scenery. A bookshelf gently floats in the grassy area.
  • BEI (Building Energy Index) is the ratio of the primary energy consumption of a designed building compared to a standard building, based on an energy consumption performance calculation program. A building is deemed to have achieved ZEB Ready if its BEI is ≦ 0.50, excluding renewable energy.

Designer's Voice


Electrical MEP Engineering Department / Joined in 2021

Yuya Hara

Yuya Hara

We looked for ways to obtain environmental certification while paying particular attention to the design down to the smallest details, and were able to complete the project after taking charge of the design and Construction Supervision. There were many points that I was particular about as an electrical MEP Engineering, and it was a very worthwhile project. By examining each of the ways to display the lighting and the methods for saving energy, I think it was a good experience that broadened my "drawer of ideas" as a designer.
*Affiliation at the time of project assignment


Property Name



4-40 Yanagisawa, Nishitokyo City, Tokyo

Site area

Approximately 11,040.55㎡ (library)

Total floor area

Approximately 436.10㎡ (library)


1st floor above ground


Approximately 5.22m


June 2023

Main Applications


Design and Construction Supervision

Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc.


Tokyu Construction


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Update : 2022.11.10
