
MEP Engineering designers talk. Environment and equipment idea notes Vol. 13

Moving away from simple replacement: How to approach ZEB Renovation (Part 2)

Renovating existing stock to become ZEB

MEP Engineering designers talk. Environment and Equipment Idea Note TOP

Visualizing and refining the "ZEB" process


For example, from the perspective of environmental performance and comfort, it is desirable to make the building envelope highly heat-resistant and insulated, but depending on the client, there are cases where such an investment is difficult. In such cases, we propose "cases that emphasize cost-effectiveness" and "cases aimed at obtaining ZEB certification" along with costs based on the environmental performance BEI of each measure, so that the business operator can make a choice according to their investment plan (long-term repair plan). In some cases, ZEB was achieved without increasing construction costs compared to simple replacement.

Changes in environmental performance BEI due to ZEB countermeasures (using a certain building as a model case).
  • BEI (Building Energy Index): The ratio of the primary energy consumption of a designed building compared to a standard building, based on an energy consumption performance calculation program. A building is deemed to have achieved ZEB Ready if its BEI is ≦ 0.50, excluding renewable energy.

Creating a system to support efforts towards visualization

This kind of "visualization of environmental performance" is done using energy saving calculations (WEBPRO), but it is a lot of work to calculate multiple cases with different situations in parallel. We have developed a tool that streamlines this energy saving calculation, and it has become possible to delve deeper into technical considerations at the early planning stages. This has enabled us to respond to more clients' requests for ZEB renovations.

Starting in April 2024, businesses that sell and rent buildings will be required to display energy-saving performance labels in advertisements, etc., and there is an increasing need to understand and improve environmental performance. In this context, this tool (aside from achieving efficiency) lowers the hurdle for in-house designers to make efforts to "visualize environmental performance."

Follow-up and beyond

We have obtained ZEB certification through Renovation for a total of six buildings to date, all of which are tenant office buildings (as of April 2024). Obtaining certification is not the end of the process; subsequent follow-up and data verification during operation are also important.

In March 2021, the JRE Higashi-Gotanda 1-Chome Building, owned by Japan Real Estate Investment Corporation, received ZEB Ready certification at the design stage. This is a ZEB project for a tenant office building that was the first of our company's ZEB certification projects through Renovation. The capacity of the equipment, which was currently excessive, was downsized to match actual usage. In March 2024, air conditioning renovation work was completed while the building was in operation, and the building is now operating in an energy-efficient manner.

The impact of "simple replacement" is evident in the daily energy consumption of a building, but it is difficult for business operators and building managers to grasp this. Therefore, we try to show this data in an easy-to-understand manner as the environmental performance BEI and the magnitude of energy consumption. If equipment is oversized through "simple replacement," it can easily lead to a deterioration in environmental performance.

In order to realize ZEB, downsizing through capacity optimization is an important point, but as a result, clients are particularly concerned about whether there will be complaints from tenants during operation. For example, in addition to being able to implement a significant downsizing as in the verification example (see figure below), it is important to show the client with numbers that the building is being operated efficiently. We believe that feeding this back into future designs is important in reducing energy consumption in existing buildings and even the entire city.

Summer operating conditions in a certain tenant office building where air conditioning capacity was optimized and downsized. From interviews with the user, it was confirmed that the air conditioning environment is good after the upgrade, and the equipment is being operated with high efficiency.

The government has set a goal of achieving ZEB status for the average stock of buildings by 2050. To achieve this goal, there is no doubt that the immediate mission will be to Renovation existing buildings to become ZEBs. However, to achieve the essential goal of "realizing a carbon-neutral society" that lies beyond "ZEB status for the average stock of buildings," these energy-saving efforts alone will not be enough.

Manufacturing approaches such as ingenuity in production (using materials and equipment with low environmental impact in the manufacture of building materials and equipment), circular design that minimizes waste, and design that takes biodiversity into consideration are becoming more important. As MEP Engineering, we are expected to work in collaboration with not only our clients, but also with various other professions and fields.

Past news releases related to this article

We would like to introduce a news release highlighting our company's ZEB renovation Renovation.

Designer's Voice


Renovation Design Department / Joined in 2010

Keiiciro cho

Keiichiro Cho

We are fast approaching an era when buildings with poor environmental performance will be viewed as stranded assets. We never waste valuable Renovation opportunities to improve environmental performance, and we carefully proceed with the design while communicating with clients from an environmental perspective. This accumulation will lead to CO2 reduction and lead to ZEB. I feel that Renovation plays an important role in decarbonization.
*Affiliation at the time of project assignment


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Update : 2022.11.10
