
"Mitsubishi Jisho Design 's SMART CITY / MJD's Future Urban Development" released

Introducing numerous case studies, focusing on the work of Mitsubishi Jisho Design and Mitsubishi Estate Group

We are pleased to present a document created by our design studio that compiles the ideas advocated by Mitsubishi Jisho Design regarding "smart cities," an important topic in urban development today, as well as an interpretation of these ideas and the elements and technologies that will be utilized in these cities.

With a focus on the efforts of Mitsubishi Jisho Design Sekkei and Mitsubishi Estate Group, the site introduces practical implementation examples under a variety of keywords, including current urban development issues and the basic concepts of smart cities and smart technology, as well as Mass, digital twins, biophilia, and diversity. It also includes information that can be used and developed in a variety of ways, such as a roadmap up to 2050. Please take a look.
