"Mitsubishi Electric ZEB-related Technology Demonstration Building "SUSTIE""
Winner of the Kanto Branch Award at the 12th Carbon Neutral Awards
A prototype office building that is both environmentally friendly and comfortable
三菱電機株式会社(東京都千代⽥区、執行役社⻑:漆間 啓)と株式会社三菱地所設計(東京都千代⽥区、代表取締役社⻑:谷澤 淳一)は、第12回(令和5年度)カーボンニュートラル賞(主催:一般社団法人 建築設備技術者協会)において、「三菱電機ZEB関連技術実証棟『SUSTIE』」(竣工:2020年10月)が「関東支部賞」を受賞したことをお知らせします。
Right: The award ceremony at the Carbon Neutral Awards (Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Architecture Hall, Minato-ku, Tokyo).
First in Japan to receive the highest ranking in three certifications evaluating "environmental friendliness" and "comfort and health"
- Joint winners: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (client), Mitsubishi Jisho Design Inc. (designer), Takenaka Corporation, Kodensha Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Heating & Refrigeration Plant Co., Ltd. (constructors). Involvement of architectural engineers in the application: Daisuke Hatori, Toshiki Isahaya (both Mitsubishi Jisho Design).
- A building with zero or negative net annual primary energy consumption.
- An evaluation by the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation of the specifications, performance, and initiatives of buildings that help maintain and improve the comfort and health of building occupants.
- An environmental performance evaluation of buildings developed by the American company Delos. In addition to evaluating ergonomic aspects (such as improving productivity), it is characterized by its emphasis on the wellness (comfort and health) of the people who spend time there. It is internationally recognized as a global indicator.
Achieving both a wellness office and a "ZEB"
By reducing the air conditioning load through ingenious architectural planning and strengthening the exterior performance, and by adopting a ceiling chamber air-type radiant air conditioning system and lens-controlled lighting fixtures, we have achieved a comfortable, healthy office space while simultaneously achieving thorough energy conservation. In addition, a ZEB operation system that utilizes AI and IoT allows us to simulate the annual energy balance and the impact on comfort in advance, achieving both energy conservation and comfort.
Utilization of natural and renewable energy
All solar panels with a total capacity of approximately 360 kW were installed on the building, demonstrating the feasibility of a ZEB mid-rise building in urban areas with limited land area. In addition, the air conditioning load was reduced by gravity ventilation using the heat pool at the top of the atrium and by opening the natural ventilation windows, and outdoor cooling was also performed by supplying the cold exhaust heat of the heat pump water heater to the outdoor air intake part of the cool heat tube. As a result, the actual annual energy consumption achieved ZEB, even including the load on the outlets. Furthermore, from April 2023, the energy consumed in the demonstration building will be switched to non-fossil certified electricity, making CO2 emissions at SUSTIE virtually zero.
Left: Design value is BEI=-0.06, and BELS certified "ZEB". Actual values a and b are also "ZEB". Actual values c and d are the actual values a and b plus outlets, and are also "ZEB" under these conditions. Actual value e is the actual value d plus other values (power consumption for kitchen equipment in the cafeteria, etc.).
Right: CO2 emissions in the third year. Converted using a coefficient of 0.376kg-CO2/kWh (Tokyo Electric Power Company EP2022 preliminary value) based on the total energy consumption of SUSTIE. From April 2023, we will switch to electricity with non-fossil fuel certificates, and emissions will be zero.
Building Name | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation ZEB-related technology demonstration building "SUSTIE" |
location | 1-1 Ofuna 5-chome, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture |
Applications | office |
Builder | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
architectural design and construction supervision | Mitsubishi Jisho Design Inc. |
Construction | Takenaka Corporation (architectural work), Kodensha Corporation (electrical equipment work), Mitsubishi Electric System Service Co., Ltd. (photovoltaic power generation equipment work), Mitsubishi Electric Refrigeration and Heating Plant Co., Ltd. (air conditioning and sanitary equipment work) |
*The information in this release is current as of March 2024 and may be subject to change depending on future operations. |
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