Structure Realized with Steel Sandwich Panels

Structure Realized with Steel Sandwich Panels

The entrance canopy for the underground access road constructed together with "TOKYO TORCH Tokiwabashi Tower."
The steel sandwich panels (84mm thick) "folded like origami" serve as the roof and walls, and are finished as is. Numerous considerations were made, including setting the clearance for the glass joints, taking into account deformation due to temperature loads and construction accuracy. The panels were designed to be small enough to be transported by vehicle, and were precisely welded and assembled in the factory, before being installed on site overnight.


Year of completion2021
locationChiyoda ward, Tokyo

Google map

ApplicationsRoads, bridges, underground spaces
Our BusinessDesign and Construction Supervision
Related ProjectsTOKYO TORCH Tokiwabashi Tower
Steel Building

Update : 2023.11.02
