Survey on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "Urban Development System Utilization Policy"
In response to the revision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "Policy for Utilizing Various Urban Development Institutions for New Urban Development" (March 2019), we conducted research, analysis, and proposals from 2017 to 2018. This revision is based on the "Grand Design for Urban Development" formulated in September 2018, and based on this, we analyzed zone and base settings (using GIS), and proposed methods for analyzing and evaluating public contributions such as initiatives to integrate stations and towns and high-quality housing.
Year of completion | 2019 |
location | Tokyo |
Applications | Redevelopment/Development |
Our Business | others |
Survey year | Fiscal year 2017-2018 |
Main survey items | Analysis of zone and base settings, priority development uses, initiatives to integrate stations and towns, high-quality housing such as service apartments, elimination of densely populated wooden areas, public contributions in remote areas (removal of utility poles, elimination of densely populated wooden areas, greenery, waterfronts), area management (utilization of public open spaces, etc.), etc. |
Update : 2021.12.30