Tsukiji Hongwanji Precints

Tsukiji Hongwanji Precincts

A grounds improvement plan for Tsukiji Honganji Temple, aiming to transform it into a more open temple.
In addition to building a permanent ossuary, a joint grave, and an information center to serve as a base for communicating and exchanging information, we also renovated the first floor of the main hall into a lounge, built a new guardhouse and storehouse, and redeveloped the plaza in front of the main hall. Based on the Indian style by the original designer, Chuta Ito, the design incorporates Buddhist architectural forms suited to each individual purpose.


Year of completion2017
locationChuo Ward, Tokyo

Google map

Site area19,526 m²
Total floor areaInformation Center: 884m² / Cemetery: 353m²
Floor numberInformation center: 2 floors above ground, 1st penthouse floor / Cemetery: 1 floor above ground, 1 floor underground
structureInformation Center: Steel/Cemetery: Reinforced concrete
Our BusinessDesign, Construction Supervision, Landscape Design

Update : 2022.02.15
