02 Long-term repair planning [consulting]
How much will this cost?
Once a building is constructed, it gradually and steadily deteriorates.
In order to continue using the building comfortably for many years to come, it is necessary to properly update the parts and materials that make up the building. This applies not only to existing buildings that have been around for many years, but also to newly constructed buildings. By accurately understanding the condition of the building and creating a mid- to long-term repair plan that chronologically lists the updates that will be required in the future and when they will be required, it becomes possible to manage operating costs in a planned manner and make effective investments.
There are many different methods for creating mid- to long-term repair plans depending on prerequisites such as the purpose of use and age of the building, and the costs and time required for creation also vary.
What is the purpose of creating a medium- to long-term repair plan?
Creating a mid-term repair plan is effective in the following cases (examples only):
- I want to get a sense of future repair cost trends.
- I would like to understand the current state of deterioration of the facility and find out the repair costs.
- I want to invest repair costs effectively and in a planned manner.

From repair plans to new investment plans
It is important to develop a mid- to long-term repair plan into an investment plan based on consideration and analysis of various conditions after the plan is created.
Depending on the needs of each client, we provide consulting services that comment from various perspectives on plans to extend the life of buildings and the possibility of renovation.

Maintenance is required to utilize the plan
To effectively utilize a mid- to long-term repair plan, it is important to understand the "overall flow" for ensuring the implementation of the various repairs included here. After creating a repair plan, a series of processes, including determining the implementation items after prioritizing them, formulating an implementation plan to realize them, and carrying out and providing feedback on the repairs, will be effective in appropriately extending the lifespan of the building.