
Year Book 2014Project View 022Project View Toranomon Building虎ノ門ビル港区虎ノ門に建つフラッグシップビルです。不整形な旗竿敷地でも構造・設備と窓廻りのデザインを一体化させることで、最大限有効に使えるオフィス空間を生み出しました。外装は構造と設備の融合した緩やかな曲線を描く極薄のハイブリットファサードとし、鉄骨ブレースをアクセントとして耐震性能とデザインを両立させています。This is a agship building for the client. The irregularly shaped site is exploited to the fullest extent by integrating structure, services, and window design, thus creating the maximum amount of usable oce space. The exterior is an ultra-thin hybrid facade with gently curved lines and steel brace accents. It is both attractive and functional, with high earthquake-resistant perfor-mance.Project DataCompletionApr 2013Minato-ku, Tokyo, JapanOce, Store567㎡4,846㎡10 above ground, 1 basementS above ground, SRC basementLocationBuilding UseSite AreaTotal Floor AreaFloorsStructure

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