
Year Book 2014Project View 024Project View The Bank of Fukuoka Omuta Branch福岡銀行大牟田支店大牟田市の主要幹線道路に面した福岡銀行の支店です。店舗前面の駐車場は休日には市民に開放し、災害時の避難場所としての機能も持たせました。外観はかつて炭鉱町であった大牟田を象徴する鉄とレンガの素材を使い、正面にはリン酸処理のスチールパネルルーバー、外構の舗装やフェンスにはレンガブロックを用いました。This is a branch of The Bank of Fukuo-ka, located on a main street of the city of Omuta in Fukuoka Prefecture. On holidays the parking space in front of the building is available for events and other local activities, and it also serves as an evacuation site in case of natural disasters. The exterior is in steel and red brick, symbolizing the city’s history as a coal mining town. The front facade uses phos-phate nished steel-panel louvers, and the exterior cladding and fences use brick blocks.Project DataCompletionOct 2013Omuta City, Fukuoka, JapanFinancial institution3,839㎡2,133㎡2 above groundSLocationBuilding UseSite AreaTotal Floor AreaFloorsStructure

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