
Year Book 2014Project View 026Project View Meiji University Nakano Campus明治大学中野キャンパス東京都中野区の再開発地に建つ明治大学第四のキャンパスです。領域横断的な先進研究・教育拠点として、世界の知を融合し新たな知を育む「知の森」となることを目指しました。エントランスは樹木状の柱で支えた大庇で利用者を迎え、建物内には学際交流の場となるラウンジを効果的に設けてコミュニケーションを促しています。The Nakano Campus is Meiji Universi-ty’s fourth campus, located in a designated redevelopment district in Nakano-ku, Tokyo. It is a center for interdisciplinary research and educa-tion. The goal of the project was to design a “Forest of Knowledge” for connecting and integrating knowl-edge from around the world, and creating new knowledge. The entrance greets visitors with a large, overhanging eave supported by tree-like columns, and the lounges inside are eectively placed for com-munication and exchanges between disciplines.Project DataCompletionJun 2013Nakano-ku, Tokyo, JapanUniversity16,144㎡32,244㎡14 above ground, 1 basementS partially SRC・RCLocationBuilding UseSite AreaTotal Floor AreaFloorsStructure

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