
Year Book 2014Project View 032Project View Takanawa Forum高輪フォーラム三菱地所グループの環境基本方針を体現する環境モデルプロジェクトで、グループ会社社員が利用する203室の独身寮と研修所です。研修棟には国産材による木構造を採用し、港区の「みなとモデルCO2固定認証制度」で初の★★★(最高ランク)を取得しました。LED照明や太陽光集熱給湯システムなど様々な環境技術を導入しています。This is a model project that exempli-es the basic environmental policy of the MEC Group. It is a training and housing facility for Group employees with 203 single-occupant apart-ments. The training building has a wooden structure using wood harvested in Japan. It was the rst building to receive the highest three-star rank under the “Minato Model” system, which promotes xation of CO2 through the use of wood in urban buildings. Other envi-ronmentally friendly technologies include LED lighting and a solar water heating system.Project DataCompletionMar 2013Minato-ku, Tokyo, JapanDormitory, Training Institute10,349㎡8,787㎡5 above ground, Training Institute / 2 above groundDormitory / S・RC, Training Institute / RC・WoodenLocationBuilding UseSite AreaTotal Floor AreaFloorsStructureEnergy-Ecient Lighting Design Awards 2013Grand PrizeStructure

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