
Technical Report034Year Book 2014Radiant air conditioning is an increasingly attractive option because of qualities such as its quietness and even temperature distribution, which contribute to a comfortable indoor environment. But in the hot and humid climate of Japan, proper management of indoor humidity is required to prevent condensation. Traditionally, humidity has been controlled during the hot summer months by cooling dehumidica-tion. But this method requires a great deal of energy and is not energy ecient.To address this problem, we developed a highly ecient system that combines the desiccant method, which is capable of achieving very low levels of humidity, with a high-eciency total heat exchanger, which handles both latent and sensible heat, and also added a heat recovery function. Outside air treatment units using this system, providing the appropriate level of humidity for radiant air conditioning, were introduced in the Kayabacho Green Building in the Nihonbashi district of central Tokyo.Technical Report技術紹介輻射空調は静穏性や均質な温度による快適性などで注目を集めていますが、高温多湿な日本では結露が発生しやすいため、室内の湿度を重点的に管理する必要があります。従来、夏季の湿度管理は冷却除湿手法がとられていましたが、多量の冷熱が必要なため省エネの観点からは非効率的でした。そこで、超低湿度除湿が可能なデシカント方式と高効率な全熱交換器方式を融合し、さらに省エネ性を助長する熱回収機能を組み込むことで、輻射空調に最適な温湿度を提供できる外調機システムを開発しました。本システムは中央区日本橋の「茅場町グリーンビルディング」に採用されています。輻射空調に適合した高効率外調機システムの開発This system can be used to replace the foam-based re extinguisher systems that are commonly installed in building parking areas. Many re-ghting foams contain undesirable uorochemicals. In particular, foams containing PFOS (peruorooctanesulfonic acid) have been designated as persistent organic pollutants, and installation of new systems using these foams has been banned by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.To solve this problem, we looked again to water-based systems. By raising the spraying pressure, it is possible for water-based systems to match or exceed the performance of foam-based systems, even with small amounts of water. Working together with re extinguisher manufacturers, we developed a new “NF head” with innovative ns to generate high-performance water mist. The new system is friendly to the environment, low in cost, and easy to maintain. It will be deployed for the rst time in Japan in the Otemachi 1-1 Project (provisional name), a high-rise development project in central Tokyo .本システムは、建物の屋内駐車場に一般的に設置されている泡消火設備の代替となる火災抑制システムです。泡消火設備にはフッ素系の薬剤が含まれており、特にPFOSを含むものは残留性有機汚染物質に指定され、消防庁より新規設置が禁止されています。この泡消火設備の課題を解決すべく私たちは再度水に着目しました。少量の水でも泡消火設備と同等以上の性能を確保するため放水圧力を上げ、散水板の形状を工夫した水噴霧ヘッド「NFヘッド」の開発・適用により、環境に優しく低コストで維持管理も容易な火災抑制システムを設備メーカーと共同開発しました。本システムは、東京都千代田区で開発が進む「(仮称)大手町1-1計画」での国内初採用が決まっています。NFシステム(閉鎖型水噴霧設備)の開発Development of high-eciency outside air conditioning system adapted to radiant air conditioningDevelopment of NF system (closed type water mist re extinguisher system)茅場町グリーンビルディングKayabacho Green Building

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