
Year Book 2014International projects037International projectsTaipei Nanshan Plaza project臺北南山廣場プロジェクト台北では、2012年に国際事業コンペで当社案が1位に採択された「臺北南山廣場プロジェクト」の工事が進行中です。本プロジェクトは、「台北101」に隣接する都心の一等地に計画された、オフィスタワー、商業施設、文化施設から構成される大規模複合開発であり、「台北101」と双をなす、新たな台北のランドマークとなります。オフィスタワーは高さが272mあり、当社が海外事業を本格化させて、初の超高層プロジェクトです。当社の強みである、長年の超高層の実績や丸の内で培った最先端の複合都市開発の実績が評価され、本案の実現に至りました。台湾の中心業務エリアである信義区の価値を飛躍的に向上させる注目のプロジェクトです。In Taipei, our proposal for the Nanshan Plaza project won First Place in an interna-tional competition in 2012, and the project is currently under construction.Nanshan Plaza is a large-scale mixed used development project adjoining Taipei 101 on a prime location in the city center. Comprising an oce tower and commercial and cultural facilities, it will complement Taipei 101 as a new landmark in the city. The oce tower will be 272m tall, making it the rst ultra-high-rise project to be completed overseas since the company’s recent decision to focus on international markets. The selection of Mitsubishi Estate reected the strengths of the company as demonstrated though its many years of experience with high-rise buildings and the results it has achieved in advanced multi-purpose development projects in the Marunouchi district of Tokyo.The Nanshan Plaza project represents a major advance that will dramatically enhance the value of the Xinyi district, the central business district of Taipei.Project DataCompletionDecember 2016Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan17,708㎡201,800㎡45 oors above ground5 oors basementS above ground, RC basementLocationSite AreaTotal Floor AreaFloorsStructure

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