
Year Book 2014International projects038地下鉄11号線に位置し上海における郊外型ニュータウンとして人気のエリア「嘉定区南翔」では、敷地8.5ha、分譲住宅約1500戸と商業施設からなる大規模な開発プロジェクトが進行中です。日本の技術を活かした高品質な環境配慮住宅と豊かなランドスケープの提案が求められ、コンペにより当社案の独創的なマスタープランやデザインが高く評価され、最優秀に選定されました。第一期工事が2013年6月に着工し、2014年7月に販売を開始しています。日本以上に南向きを重視する上海の住宅マーケットに対して、単純な計画で没個性とならないよう、街区のシンボルとなる特別エリアの創出や駅からの動線につながる軸線、豊かな緑が広がる周辺環境を意識し、風向きや日影に配慮した配棟計画など、商品価値を徹底的に追及しました。In Shanghai, a major residential project is underway in the town of Nanxiang in the Jiading District, a popular suburb of the city. Accessible by Shanghai Subway Line 11, the site is 8.5ha in size. The project involves the construction of 1,500 condominiums together with commercial facilities. Technology from Japan will be used to provide the high-quality, environmentally friendly housing and attractive landscaping called for in the competition brief. Our master plan and design proposal for this unique site was selected as the winning entry. First-phase construction began in June 2013, and sales began in July 2014.In the Shanghai housing market, a south-facing orientation is regarded as even more important than it is in Japan. To avoid the atness that can result from rote adherence to this requirement, the master plan creates a special area to serve as a symbol of the district and pays close attention to both the rich surrounding environment and to the axis that connects the project to access routes from the station. The building layout takes wind direction and sunlight into consideration to maximize the market value of every residence.The Phenix Garden上海市嘉定区南翔プロジェクトInternational projectsProject DataCompletionDecember 2015 (Phase 1)Nanxiang, Jiading District, Shanghai, China85,018㎡147,227㎡Master plan, basic design, architectural design and landscape designLocationSite AreaTotal Floor AreaServices provided

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