三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2015

皇居小石川後楽園上野恩賜公園猿江恩賜公園清澄庭園木場公園東京湾エリア多摩エリア皇居周辺エリアエリア単位ビル単位東京全域浜離宮日比谷公園芝公園林試の森世田谷公園砧公園赤坂御用地井の頭公園石神井公園新宿御苑戸山公園明治神宮代々木公園自然教育園一次エネルギー消費量[MJ/㎡・年]基準ケース高効率熱源 低消費搬送高効率照明太陽光発電低消費OA機器その他の電力消費建築的技術省エネ技術パッシブ建築自然エネルギー利用25002030260704014037038021056020001500100050001.0基準化供給量 G* [Supply]基準化需要量 C* [Demand]net Plus Energy Buildingnearly ZEB Inearly ZEB IIZEB Ready1.低炭素都市形成計画策定モデル事業建築物における最新省エネルギー技術動向調査Environmental ReviewEnvironmental ReviewLow-Carbon Urban Development Planning Model ProjectSurvey of recent trends in architectural energy saving technologies環境省が公募した「低炭素都市形成計画策定モデル事業」※に採択され、2年間にわたり①大手町・丸の内・有楽町地区において実施してきた環境配慮の取り組みの整理・課題抽出および充実に資する検討、②アセスガイドライン改善点の検討・提案を行いました。特に、当地区の環境配慮の取り組みの充実に資する検討では、以下3点を実施しました。・震災後のエネルギー消費の整理と今後の方向性の検討・生物多様性を考慮した緑化空間のモニタリングの内容や各主体の役割の検討・高層建築物が集積する当地区における、従来よりも確度の高い風環境の予測に向けた基礎検証東京都は建築物環境計画書制度により建築物の環境性能の確保・向上の促進を図っていますが、2002年の制度開始から10年以上が経過し、国内ではCASBEE(建築環境総合性能評価システム)やBELS(建築物省エネルギー性能表示制度)など評価制度の充実や、省エネルギー法改正による建物の環境性能計算の変更などが行われました。一方、海外でもLEEDやENERGY STARなど評価制度が充実し、省エネルギーや再生可能エネルギー利用促進の積極的な取り組みが進展してきました。このような背景の中、東京都より建築物の最新省エネルギー技術の動向調査を受託し、建築物環境計画書制度の配慮事項の整理や、ZEB化を視野に入れた将来的な制度改善のための基礎資料をまとめました。In a two-year project for the Ministry of the Environment’s Low-Carbon Urban Development Planning Model Project program, (1) the environmental initiatives implemented thus far in the Otemachi-Marunouchi-Yurakucho (Daimaruyu) area were reviewed, outstanding issues were identified, and suggestions for improvement were studied, and (2) points for improvement in the assessment guideline were studied and a proposal was made. In particular, the following three items were carried out as part of the study of improvements to environmental initiatives in the Daimaruyu area.• Study of energy use after the 2011 earthquake and discussion of future policy• Discussion of green space monitoring with view to biodiversity and study of stakeholder roles• Basic research toward more accurate forecasting of the wind environment around the many tall buildings in the Daimaruyu areaThe Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) is working to secure and improve the environmental performance of buildings through its Building Environmental Plan System. More than 10 years have passed since the system was introduced in 2002, and conditions have changed. At the same time, in Japan, evaluation systems such as CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Eciency) and BELS (Building Energy- eciency Labeling System) have been improved, and the method for calculating the environmental performance of buildings has changed due to a revision of the Energy Conservation Law. Overseas, evaluation systems like LEED and ENERGY STAR have been strengthened, and progress has been made in energy conservation and the use of renewable energy. Against this background, MJS was commissioned by TMG to conduct a survey of recent trends in energy saving technologies for buildings, to discuss items for consideration in the Building Environmental Plan System, and to assemble basic data for future improvements in the system, with a view to ZEB. 皇居周辺のエコロジカルネットワーク顕在化の概念図ゼロ・エネルギー建築に向けたエネルギー削減の取り組みZEBの定義・評価方法風環境解析モデル* The ministry solicited model projects from among the urban redevelopment projects being implemented around Japan with the aim of eectively reducing CO2 emissions and building low-carbon cities and regions that fully respond to the diverse range of resident needs. Collaborating with The Association for Creating Sustainability in Urban Development of the Otemachi, Marunouchi and Yurakucho District.Conceptual diagram of emergence of ecological network around Imperial PalaceInitiatives to reduce energy use toward zero energy architectureDenition of ZEB (net zero energy building) and evaluation methodsWind environment analytical model※全国各地で実施されている都市再開発の機会を捉えて、効果的なCO2排出量の削減や住民の多様なニーズを十分に反映した都市・地域の低炭素化を図るためのモデル的な取組を推進するために公募。一般社団法人大丸有環境共生型まちづくり推進協会と共同実施。013Year Book 2015Environmental Review

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