三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2015

日本で最初の都市型倉庫である三菱倉庫江戸橋倉庫ビルの建替計画です。東京都選定歴史的建造物に指定されている既存建物の外壁と躯体の一部を保存改修し、中央を解体して高層部を増築しました。保存した低層部の色調や曲面のデザインを高層部に継承するとともに、BCPや環境性能にも配慮しました。This project is a renovation of the Mitsubishi Logistics Edobashi Warehouse Building, Japan’s first urban warehouse building. The project preserved and renovated the facade and part of the structure of the existing building, which had been designated as a historical building by the government of Tokyo. The center section was replaced with a high-rise addition that echoes the color and curves of the preserved low-rise section. The design also emphasizes environmental performance and business continuity planning.Project DataCompletion September, 2014Location Chuo-ku, TokyoBuilding Use Oce, WerehouseSite Area 2,886㎡Total Floor Area 30,029㎡Floors 18 above ground, 1 basementStructure CFT, S(Upper Part), SRC(Lower Part), RC(Save Part)Co-designed by Takenaka Corporation環境対応▪南側コア、ガラス比率抑制、庇、Low-eガラス採用の高層部外装による熱負荷低減▪自然換気や太陽光発電の採用、センサー連動による全館LED照明による省エネルギー日本橋ダイヤビルディングProject View Nihonbashi Dia Building019Year Book 2015Project View

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