三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2015

すでにデータセンターをオフィスビルとして用途変更されていたビルの競争力向上を目的としたデザイン改修です。低層部の圧迫感を低減させアプローチの視認性を向上させるため、1、2階を大きく見せる一体的なデザインとしました。隣接する新館との調和を図るため、外壁や緑化などに統一感を持たせ街並みの連続性にも配慮しています。This is a renovation intended to increase the competitiveness of an office building whose exterior was becoming obsolescent. To alleviate the oppressive appearance of the low-rise part and increase the legibility of the approach, a unified design was adopted that amplifies the apparent size of the first and second floors. For harmony with the adjoining new building, the continuity of the neighborhood was taken into consideration and a sense of consistency was provided in the greenery and cladding.DBC品川東急ビル (リノベーション)Project View DBC Shinagawa Tokyu Building (Renovation)Project DataCompletion July, 2014Location Minato-ku, TokyoBuilding Use OceSite Area 3,344㎡Total Floor Area 19,853㎡Floors 7 above ground, 1 basementStructure SRC028Year Book 2015Project View

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