三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2015

西日本最大のターミナル駅であるJR大阪駅に導入される地域冷暖房プラントであることから、国内トップレベルのエネルギー効率の実現に向け、安定供給・経済性を両立させたシステムの構築を行いました。夏期ピーク負荷から冬期の極小負荷まで年間最適を目指した「統合的設計と運転」の考え方を取り入れ、冷凍機の最適台数分割やシステム制御を行い、さらに竣工後も設計目標値以上の性能を発揮させるため、運用管理者、設計者、施工者が一体となり運用面の性能検証を実施。その結果、竣工後3年目には目標熱源総合効率(システムCOP)1.2を大きく上回る1.35を実現しました。一連の成果により、第52回空気調和・衛生工学会技術賞を受賞しました。台湾の金融大手・富邦集団の運営による富邦芸術基金会が主催するセミナーに日本の組織設計事務所として初めて招聘され、2014年11~12月にかけて計5回、建築セミナーを開催しました。台湾政府関係者をはじめ、現地の設計事務所や不動産会社、建築系の学生に向け、日本で最初の組織設計事務所として約125年前に誕生し、近代の日本建築の礎をつくり上げた当社の歴史的背景を中心にプレゼンテーションを行いました。また、意匠を中心に都市計画、構造、設備など多様な職能が協働する組織設計事務所の特徴を最新事例も交えながら紹介しました。セミナーは各回とも盛況で台湾での日本建築への関心の高さがうかがえました。In November and December 2014, MJS delivered a series of five seminars in Taipei explaining its work and history as Japan’s first comprehensive architectural design firm. The seminars were sponsored by the Fubon Art Foundation with support from the Fubon Group, a leading nancial services group in Taiwan. As the rst full-service architectural rm from Japan to be invited to give these seminars, MJS delivered presentations that covered the 125 years of the company’s history. Topics ranged from the background to the firm’s contributions to establishing modern architecture in Japan to recent examples of its work as a comprehensive architectural design firm characterized by cooperation between architectural design, urban planning, structural engineering, and facilities. The lectures were well attended by participants from the Taiwan government, local architectural offices, real estate firms, and architecture students, indicating the high level of interest in Japanese architecture.MJS has constructed a regional heating and cooling system for Osaka Station that combines stable performance with outstanding economy. Operated by the West Japan Railway Company, Osaka Station is the largest terminal station in Western Japan, and the design aimed to realize the highest level of energy efficiency in the country. The system was optimized for operation over an entire year, from the peak loads of summer to the very small loads of winter, achieved through system control and optimized partitioning of cooling units. After the system was completed, managers, designers, and constructors worked together to achieve further efficiencies above the original design goals. Three years later, as a result of optimizations during operation, they achieved a system COP (Coefficient Of Performance) of 1.35, considerably higher than the original value of 1.2. For this they received the 52nd Award of Technology from the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE).Equipment Construction for Osaka Energy Service Plant 2 Wins SHASE Award of TechnologyArchitecture Seminars Held in Taiwan「大阪エネルギーサービス第2プラントの設備構築」が第52回空気調和・衛生工学会技術賞を受賞台湾で建築セミナーを開催TopicsTopics[ 04 ][ 05 ]032Year Book 2015Topics

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