三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2015

重慶解放碑蘭家巷プロジェクトInternational ProjectsLanjiaxiang Project in the Monument for Liberation Area of Chongqing計画地は重慶半島先端のCBD(中心業務地区)に位置するとともに、羅漢寺という文化財にも隣接しています。オフィスと商業の複合施設を計画するにあたり、周囲に埋没しない変化があり、人を引きつけ、羅漢寺と調和する外観をコンセプトとしました。高層オフィスは不整形な敷地形状を生かして平行四辺形鋭角部を隅切りした形状とし、この隅切り位置を上階になるに従ってセットバックすることで、見る場所によって外観がダイナミックに変化します。低層部の商業施設には寺の庇をモチーフとしたテラスやガラスボックスを設けました。それらを立面全体に分散配置することで歩くにつれてさまざまなにぎわいの場が現れ、さらに訪れる人を引きつけます。The project site is located in the central business district peninsula of the city of Chongqing, near the Luohan Temple, a cultural property. In the plan for this mixed-use complex comprising offices and commercial facilities, the concept was for an exterior with a distinctive personality that would attract attention while also harmonizing the nearby Luohan Temple. The high-rise office tower takes advantage of the irregular shape of the site with parallel quadrilateral shapes with cut-off corners, the cut-off positions being further set back on higher floors, so that the exterior varies dynamically when viewed from different locations. The commercial low-rise part is a lively and attractive venue with terraces and glass boxes modeled after the eaves of a temple. Eective placement of these features across the entire elevation allows visitors to discover exciting new places as they walk though the facility, making it even more attractive.Project DataLocation: Chongqing, ChinaBuilding Use: Oce, Shopping Center, ParkSite Area: 9,507㎡Total Floor Area: 126,106㎡Floors: 44 above ground, 4 basementStructure: RC034Year Book 2015International projects

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