三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2016

Year Book 2016Environmental Reviewランドスケープによる環境提案大手門タワー・JXビル 「ホトリア広場」Landscape Environment Proposal – Otemon Tower • JXBuilding • Hotoria Plaza皇居・大手門の正面という立地を活かし、皇居の自然環境と大手町の都市、就業者をはじめとする多くの来街者を繋ぐ「交流の森」をコンセプトに掲げ、これまでにない新しい環境への取り組みを提案しました。①皇居外苑濠の水質改善と都市環境の向上お濠に近接する立地を活かし、定期的・継続的に濠水を敷地内に取水し、浄化施設にて懸濁物質を90%以上除去した上でお濠に放流することにより、夏場を中心にアオコの発生が問題となっているお堀の水質を改善し、都市景観の向上に寄与しています。②生物多様性への取り組み2008年の生物多様性基本法成立、2012年生物多様性国家戦略が策定により、今後、各自治体や事業者の取り組みが活発化することを見据え、大手町と皇居を繋ぐエコロジカルネットワークを意識した誘致種を定め、変化のある水辺や隠れ家となる石積み、誘致種が好む食餌木などを配置するとともに、これらの取り組みを多くの来街者に情報発信し、維持管理を続ける仕組みづくりを行いました。これら生物多様性に配慮した取り組みが認められ、ABINC認証(いきもの共生事業所認証)を第一号として取得しました。Taking advantage of the project’s location in front of the Otemon Gate of the Imperial Palace, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei has proposed the concept of an “Intercommunication Forest” that will connect the natural environment of the Imperial Palace to the urban district of Otemachi, and promote interactions between workers and visitors to the district. It is a proposal for a new kind of environment.1) Improving the Water Quality of the Imperial Palace Moat and Enhancing the Urban EnvironmentCapitalizing on the project’s location next to the Imperial Palace moat, water from the moat is pumped into the site on a regular, sustained basis. Water purification equipment removes more than 90% of suspended matter and returns the water to the moat. This improves the water quality of the moat, where blue-green algae blooms have been a problem in the summer, and contributes to a more scenic urban environment.2) Biodiversity InitiativeIn accordance with the 2008 Basic Act on Biodiversity and the 2012 National Biodiversity Strategy, local governments and the private sector have accelerated their work in this eld. We have contributed with the concept of an Ecological Network to link Otemachi and the Imperial Palace. Species to be attracted were selected and a variegated water edge and rockeries were created to serve as shelters and a source of food for the selected species. Steps have been taken to maintain this system and inform the many visitors to the area about it. This work on biodiversity was recognized with the rst certication from the Association for Business Innovation in harmony with 014

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