三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2016

Year Book 2016International Projects泉パークタウンを舞台にサステイナブルなまちづくりが進行中Sustainable Community Development at Izumi Park Town2014年、泉パークタウンは街開きから40年を迎えました。街全体の成熟が深まる一方、街に新たな息吹を吹き込むため、2015年6月の紫山一丁目再造成(Ⅱ期)工事竣工に続き、泉パークタウン最後の大型造成エリアである第6住区エリアやその他のエリアにおいても新しい計画・検討が進んでいます。計画・検討に際しては、これまでと同様「泉パークタウンらしさ」を踏襲しながら地域住民と一緒に街を作り、街の価値の維持・向上、成熟に努めるとともに、街の運用の中で見えてきた課題や高齢化などの社会的状況を鑑みて、環境共生・生物多様性、スマートな暮らし方、コミュニティの醸成を意識したサステイナブルな街づくりを進めていきます。In 2014, Izumi Park Town marked 40 years since its opening. The town as a whole continues to mature. Meanwhile, new plans are bring fresh life to the community through projects such as the recently completed Murasakiyama 1-chome redevelopment project (Phase II), and plans for Area 6, the last remaining large-scale residential area, as well as other areas.As always, these plans and discussions are guided by a policy of developing the town together with its residents in a way that inherits and deepens its character as “Izumi Park Town”. While working to maintain, enhance, and deepen the value of the town, we are responding to issues that have emerged in its operation and to social changes such as the increasing age of the residents, and moving forward with sustainable development keyed to living together with nature, biodiversity, smart life styles, and fostering of community spirit.03大手門タワー・JXビルメガトラスで地下鉄をまたぐ超高層建物メガトラス鉄骨地下鉄東西線Otemon Tower • JX Building, Ultra-High-Rise Tower Spans Subway with Mega-Truss Support大手門タワー・JXビル(P20掲載)は、皇居前という制限が多い敷地条件の中で、地上に最大ボリュームを確保するため、敷地内南西角に走る東京メトロ東西線の函体上部を利用する計画としています。本建物では、地下鉄函体に建物重量をかけない計画とするため、東西線をまたぐメガトラス構造を採用しました。南西角の2本の高層柱は地下鉄の上部に位置するため、足元の地下1階部分にスパン約19m、せい約8mのメガトラス2台を地下鉄函体上部に配置し、23層分の軸力を有する高層柱を支えています。これにより地上部は事業性が高い整形なフロアプレートを確保するとともに、まっすぐに通った柱や整ったモジュールにのっとった構造的・経済的に合理性の高い架構計画を実現しています。The Otemon Tower • JX Building (see page 20) is located on a site with numerous limitations, opposite the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. To maximize the above-ground volume, it utilizes space above the tunnel of the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line subway, which runs through the southwest corner of the site.To ensure that the subway tunnel is isolated from the weight of the building, two mega-truss structures were built to straddle the tunnel and support two high-rise pillars at the southwest corner, above the Tozai Line. Each mega-truss has a span of about 19 m and a depth of about 8 m. Located at the base of the building, at the first basement level above the subway tunnel, they support columns subject to 23 stories of axial force. This allows the above-ground building to secure oor plates with commercially advantageous layouts, through a structurally and economically reasonable design of straight vertical columns and regular modules.04033

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