三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2016

Year Book 2016Special Feature01エッジのあるPCの大庇を形成した、風格ある低層部の上に、ガラスのダブルスキンファサードによる軽やかな印象の上層部が浮かび上がる。02西面ファサード見上げ。各階のスラブ端部に設置した曲面パネルが、外観にやわらかな印象をもたらし、ダブルスキンファサード内の円滑な空気の流れを促す。03執務空間から見た北面ダブルスキンファサード。内部に鉛直荷重のみを負担する300×500角の鉄骨柱を配置している。04執務空間西側を見通す。東西の2面には柱を設けず、Low-Eペアガラスのダブルスキンで空調熱負荷を軽減しながら、明るく開放的な空間を実現。05自然光をたっぷりと採り込む、3層吹き抜けのエントランスホール。06 PCの大庇は骨材に白大理石を使用して磨き上げたもので、白さや素材感を追求した。逆コの字型で囲われた部分は多目的ホール。Waida: We selected the design rm after an invited competition between four rms who have worked with us in the past. Perhaps because of the unusual shape of the site and the dierence in elevation, the ideas for the facade were the most expressive points in the proposals, more so than the plans. The design from Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei is bright and sharp and sophisticated. It is exactly the image we had from the time of the proposal, and we are happy that we selected it.Tamura: Thank you. The facade and the plan go together – the plan taking advantage of the T-shaped site, for spacious and column-free working spaces, and the facade having a simple conguration with minimal materials. The company has many female employees, and it has test kitchens and similar facilities for making presentations to business partners. So we incorporated the ideas of purity and softness into the concept, and the result was the double-skin glass facade.Waida: Our current and former employees love it. They say it seems to oat, like a glass tank. The building is the symbol of the head oce, so during the competition it was reviewed over and over within the group. At that time, some thought it might be too nice, or too lavish. Takahashi: One of Toichiro Nakashima’s policies was that while no expense should be spared at product factories, oces did not need to be luxurious. He thought that since employees spent most of their time out meeting customers, they didn’t need a luxurious oce.Waida: More than the design, I think that the essential thing about the competition was to select a partner for creating the head oce. So the key points in the nal selection were whether the partner thinks the same way and whether it was possible to build a relationship of trust with the partner’s team. This went very well. When we went out for a meal after the meetings, everyone would come together very naturally for a frank discussion of whatever were working on, which was enjoyable, and I think it helped keep things going smoothly.差点や、JR山手線の車窓からも見える場所で、プロポーザル当初から、とくにファサードのデザインがポイントになると考えていました。和井田様:設計会社4社にお声掛けし、指名型プロポーザルで設計者を選ばせていただいたのですが、変形かつ高低差のある敷地のためか、プランよりもファサードのデザインに各社の特徴が表れていました。明るくシャープで洗練された印象の三菱地所設計さんのデザインは、プロポーザルの時のイメージそのままで、選んでよかったと思っています。田村:ありがとうございます。T字型の敷地形状を活かし、整形で広々とした、無柱の執務空間を確保するプランと、シンプルかつミニマルな素材で構成した外観デザインは、一体的に生まれたものです。女性社員が多く、テストキッチンなどを構えて取引先にプレゼンをする場でもあることから、「清潔さ」と「柔らかさ」もコンセプトに取り込み、このガラスのダブルスキンファサードに結実しました。和井田様:まるで「ガラスの水槽」が浮かんでいるようだと社員やOBの間でも評判です。本社の顔ですから、選定時はグループ内で何度も検討を重ねたのですが、実は、素敵すぎる、豪華すぎるのではないかという意見も出ました。高橋様:中島董一郎が残した方針の1つに、製造工場には金をかけるべきだが、オフィスは贅沢でなくてよいとあるのです。つまり基本的に社員は営業に出て、事務所に残るわけではないので、贅沢に作る必要はないというわけです。020305060401 The double-skin glass facade of the upper section oats lightly over a striking podium featuring large eaves in precast concrete with prominent edges that are full of character. 02 Looking up at the west-side facade. Each oor has curved panels at the end of the slab, which work to soften the exterior and assist the smooth flow of air inside the double-skin facade.03 North-side double-skin facade seen from work space. Inside are 300×500 steel columns which support vertical load only.04 Looking to west side of work space. There are no columns on the east and west sides. While reducing the air conditioning load, the double skin of low-e pair glass produces bright and open spaces. 05 Three-story entrance hall, illuminated with abundant natural light. 06 The large precast concrete eaves use white marble aggregate and are polished to emphasize their whiteness and texture. Visible behind the opening is the multi-purpose hall.009

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