三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2018

ザ・パークハウス京都鴨川御所東Project ViewThe Parkhouse Kyoto Kamogawa Gosho-Higashi京都御苑の東に位置する2 棟構成の分譲マンション。この場所の空気感を十分に享受し、上質な日常を営める、悠然としてゆとりある住まいを目指しました。鴨川沿いのA棟は広いスパンを持ち、開口部とバルコニーの透明感を高めることで鴨川や東山の空気感を直接感じられるようにしました。町屋側のB 棟は周囲との調和を図るため、植栽、築地塀、内庭、軒庇に見立てたバルコニーなど幾重にも緩衝帯を設けています。Situated east of the Kyoto Gyoen Park, in the heart of historic Kyoto, this two-building condominium participates fully in the atmosphere of its location. Its residential design concepts were quality, calmness, and comfort. Building A, on the Kamo River, has a generous span and windows and balconies that open directly on the river and the scenic Higashiyama area. Building B, facing a classic town house district, has balconies that resemble traditional eaves as well as plantings, an earth wall, and garden that harmonize with the district and function as a buer zone.Year Book 2018Project ViewCompletion March, 2017Location Kyoto City, Kyoto, JapanBuilding Use ResidentialSite Area 5,102m²Total Floor Area 12,541m²Floors 5 above ground, 1 basement, 1 rooftopStructure RCProject Data環境対応▪高圧一括受電、太陽光発電パネルによる「Soleco( ソレッコ)」システム採用▪太陽光発電により年間約3tのCO2 を削減023

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