三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2018

Year Book 2018International Projects臺北南山廣場Taipei Nanshan Plaza2018年6月、台北の都心、信義区に立地する3棟構成の複合施設がオープンしました。信義区の商業軸の南端に配置した272mのタワー棟は「台北101」と対になり、台北の新しいスカイラインをつくっています。タワー棟の西には梅(台湾の花)を象ったステンレスキャストで覆った箱を3つ積層した商業棟を、東にはチタンパネルで覆った文化棟(オフィス入口を併設)を配置。周辺街区へ人の賑わいを有機的につなぎました。タワー棟最上階には台湾初となるルーフトップバーを設け、商業棟のテラスは、隣接する公園と一体となった緑化環境を構築。遠景からでも訪れてみたいと思わせる仕掛けとしました。This three-building complex opened on June 2018 on a prime location in the Xinyi District of Taipei. Its 272-meter office tower joins the adjacent Taipei 101 tower, creating a new skyline at the south end of the district’s commercial axis. To the west of the tower is a retail annex with an exterior that symbolizes the plum blossom (the national flower of Taiwan), configured as three stacked and offset cubes clad in stainless steel. To the west is a cultural annex (also housing the office tower entrance) clad in titanium panels. Both are organically linked to the vitality of the surrounding district. On the top oor of the tower is Taiwan’s rst rooftop bar. Plantings on the retail annex terraces blend in with the neighboring park. The complex constitutes a new destination for the city that attracts visitors when seen from a distance.Completion May, 2018Location Taipei City, Xinyi, District, TaiwanBuilding Use Oce, Retail, Cultural facilities, Bus terminalSite Area 17,708m²Total Floor Area 192,891m²Floors 48 above ground, 5 basement, 2 rooftopStructure S, SRC, RCProject Data027

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