三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2018

Year Book 2018Special Feature㈱桂川精螺製作所は1938年に創業。高い精度が求められる自動車用製品を中心に、約3000種におよぶねじを生産するメーカーで、塑性加工技術を用いた金属成形のパイオニアとして世界的にも知られています。2014年、事業拡張に伴い創業の地である東京大田区から生産機能の主力を静岡県掛川市に移し、残った本社と工場敷地の有効活用が課題となっていました。2015年、三菱地所のグループ会社より紹介を受けた当社コンストラクションマネジメント部は、「創業の地に本社機能と試作品の生産を行う研究開発部門を整備したい」という同社の要望を受け、敷地の調査や施設ボリュームの検討を重ね、同社にとって最適な土地分割と新社屋建設を提案しました。<提案内容>・敷地を研究開発棟(自社利用)と売却用地に分割・研究開発棟敷地内の既存施設を先行解体、研究開発棟を建設・研究開発棟に本社と試作生産機能を移転。・残った工場の生産設備を掛川工場に順次移転。・移転完了後、既存工場を解体、敷地を売却。CGを使って開発フローと将来像をわかりやすく説明することで開発の意向が固まり事業が一気に進展、2016年には新社屋の建て替えに着手しました。コンストラクションマネジメント部では全体マスタープランの策定、敷地区分の決定、既存施設解体、土壌汚染調査などの技術支援を行いましたが、引き続き新社屋の設計監理業務も受注しました。敷地内で計画的に建て替えを行い、本社業務や工場の操業を止めることなく、スムーズな移行が完了しました。コンサルティングから設計監理までKatsuragawa Seira Co. is a precision auto parts manufacturer founded in 1938. It produces about 3,000 dierent types of screws, and is known as a global pioneer in metal forming technology.In 2014, to meet the growing demand for its products, the company transferred its main production functions from Ota Ward in Tokyo, in the area where the company was founded, to the city of Katsuragawa in Shizuoka Prefecture. It was faced with the question of how to make eective use of the former production site and company headquarters. In 2015, the Construction Management Department of Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei was introduced to Katsuragawa Seira through the Mitsubishi Estate Group. On the site of its founding, the company wanted to build a new R&D facility to house its headquarters and manufacturing of product prototypes. In response, after research at the site and a thorough analysis of the program volumes, we proposed the construction of a new building and a division of the site that would be maximally advantageous to the company.Proposal Outline • Divide the site into two parts – one for the R&D facility (retained use by company) and one for a sold for redevopment.• Demolish existing structures at the R&D facility site and construct a new building.• Transfer headquarters and prototype manufacturing functions to the new building.• Transfer remaining production equipment to the Katsuragawa factory.• After completion of transfers, demolish the existing factory and sell the site for development of condominiums.After a decision aided by an easy-to-understand explanation of the development flow and a future vision depicted in computer graphics, the project made rapid progress. Construction of the new building began in 2016. The Construction Management Department provided technical support for the master plan, division of the site, demolition of existing facilities, and ground pollution inspections. It was also entrusted with construction management of the new building.Work at the site was conducted according to plan to enable a smooth transition without interrupting the operations of headquarters or factory.From Consulting to Construction Management008

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