三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2019

Project ViewYear Book 2019台北の新都心である信義計画区に立つオフィスタワー、商業施設、文化施設の3棟からなる大型複合施設です。東西270mの細長い形状の敷地により分断されていた街区に、人の流れ、にぎわいを生み、人々を惹きつける多用途が集積する街のような建物をつくることを目指しました。This is a large-scale mixed-use complex in Xinyi, the new central district of Taipei, consisting of an office tower, retail annex, and cultural annex. The site is a long, thin property measuring 270 meters east-to-west. Formerly it blocked the ow of people and energy between surrounding areas, but now it is an attractor that invites people in to enjoy the wide variety of activities that take place in and around the buildings.CompletionJanuary, 2018LocationTaipei, TaiwanBuilding UseOce, Retail, Hall,ParkingSite Area17,708m²Total Floor Area193,843m²Floors48 above ground, 5 basement, 2 rooftopStructureS, basement SRC, RCProject Data023

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