三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2020

Project View徳島東京海上日動ビルディングProject ViewTokushima Tokio Marine & Nichido BuildingYear Book 2020築約40年のオフィスビルの再改修プロジェクト。25年前の旧増築部を解体、規模を大きく新たに増築し、既存部を含め機能刷新を行いました。リン酸亜鉛メッキフレームによる既存部窓の拡張改修は、天井高さの変更による排煙確保、日射抑制効果を考慮したデザイン。新増築部外装は、地場産スギによる鉄筋コンクリートスギ板本実型枠仕上げで地域性も表現しました。当社は今後も既存ストックの活用に注力して参ります。This project sought to renovate a 40-year-old office building. The old extension from 25 years ago was demolished, and the scale was expanded anew. The various functions, including those of the existing building, were renewed. The expansion and refurbishment of the existing windows with galvanized zinc phosphate frames was a design decision that was made in order to ensure adequate smoke exhausting as a result of the change in ceiling height, and to control the amount of sunlight. The external facade of the new extension was made of reinforced concrete with a cedar mould nish made of locally produced cedar, thereby successfully expressing a certain regional character. Moving forward, Mitsubishi Jisho will continue to focus on making use of existing stock.CompletionSeptember, 2019LocationTokushima City,Tokushima, JapanBuilding UseOceSite Area854m²Total Floor Area3,221m²Floors6 above ground,StructureRCProject Data環境対応▪既存改修、一部解体・増築でライフサイクルCO2を削減▪地場産材を型枠に利用し、使用済後は内部サインに再利用▪開口部改修により室内への入射日射量を抑制016

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