三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2020

詳細はR&D Works webサイトへ EngineeringMyRemo BLEEngineeringオフィス空調を個人の好みでマイリモBLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)Year Book 2020Typically, oces use multi-split air conditioners meant for buildings, and the control panels are placed on the walls near the entrances and exits. As such, it is not realistic to be able to operate the air conditioner according to individual preferences. In response to this problem, we devised a system that allows you to easily create a personal air conditioner similar to the one in your own home, by using your own smartphone to operate it. Mitsubishi Electric developed a communication system using Bluetooth, and the two companies worked together to carry out experiments to demonstrate its viability. We were able to obtain results that promised to boost user satisfaction. This was a technology that enhanced personal comfort and productivity, in addition to producing energy savings and reduced relocation or construction costs when making modifications to room partitions.一般に、オフィスではビル用マルチ空調機が普及していますが、その操作盤は部屋の出入口付近の壁に集約されることが多く、個人の好みでその都度操作することは現実的ではありません。そこで、個人のスマートフォンで空調機を操作し、自宅のエアコンのように手軽にパーソナル空調を実現するシステムを考案しました。三菱電機がBluetoothを用いた通信システムの開発を行い、2社共同での実証実験を実施。満足度向上につながる結果が得られました。個々の快適性と生産性の向上、さらに省エネルギーや室内間仕切り変更時の移設工事費削減などに繋がる技術です。Engineering[ エンジニアリング ]022

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