三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2020

Engineering高砂熱学イノベーションセンター新菱神城ビル三菱電機ZEB関連技術実証棟(内観イメージ)サステイナブル社会の実現に向けて三菱地所設計の環境配慮技術Environmentally friendly technology designed by Mitsubishi Jisho SekkeiEngineeringYear Book 2020In response to a growing awareness of environmental concerns and business continuity planning among corporations, we have incorporated a number of new technologies into our projects in the spirit of kankyo kenchiku (“Joyful, Shared, and Healthy Architecture”), working actively to save energy, create energy, boost productivity, and promote health and wellness. Takasago Thermal Engineering Innovation Center, completed in February 2020, seeks to both reduce environmental impact and boost intellectual productivity at the same time. Net zero primary energy consumption in office buildings will be achieved by supplying thermoelectricity using renewable energy and groundwater heat. The entire site also obtained a Nearly ZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) certication and the highest BELS rating (☆☆☆☆☆).The Shinryo Kamishiro Building (completed in July 2020), equipped with advanced radiant air conditioning technology and “Air-Soarer” (VAV Coanda Air Conditioning System), achieved both comfort and energy efficiency without ductwork and received the highest possible rating (☆☆☆☆☆) for ZEB Ready and BELS. We are in the process of acquiring LEED certication, a global environmental benchmark.Mitsubishi Electric’s ZEB Technology Test Facility (scheduled to begin operating in 2020), which will be used to demonstrate its ZEB-related technologies, has received the highest rating (☆☆☆☆☆) for ZEB and BELS, in addition to an S-rank in the CASBEE Wellness Oce category for a healthy and productive work environment.事業者の環境配慮やBCP対応への意識の高まりに応え、当社では「歓共健築」を掲げ、数々の新技術をプロジェクトに導入、「省エネ」「創エネ」「生産性向上」「健康志向」を積極的に行っています。・環境負荷低減と知的生産性向上の両立を掲げる「高砂熱学イノベーションセンター」(2020年2月竣工)。再生可能エネルギーによる熱電供給や地下水熱の利用などにより、オフィス棟の一次エネルギー消費量をネットでゼロへ。敷地全体でもNearly ZEB、BELS最高評価(☆☆☆☆☆)を取得。・これまでの放射空調技術をさらに進化させた放射空調制御と、変風量コアンダ空調システム「Air-Soarer」を導入した「新菱神城ビル」(2020年7月竣工)は、快適性と省エネ性の両立をダクトレスで実現。ZEB Ready、BELS最高評価(☆☆☆☆☆)を取得。グローバルな環境指標LEEDの取得も進めています。・三菱電機のZEB関連技術を実証する「三菱電機ZEB関連技術実証棟」(2020年稼働予定)は、ZEB、BELS最高評価(☆☆☆☆☆)の取得に加え、健康的で生産性の高い職場環境を両立し「CASBEEウェルネスオフィス」Sランクを取得。024

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