三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2020

International ProjectsInternational Projects[ 海外プロジェクト ]上海復地活力城FOSUN WOLICITYYear Book 2020200店舗が入る約11万㎡の商業棟と、ランドマークとなる2棟のオフィスビルからなる大規模複合商業施設です。上海浦東新区の中でも、住宅、オフィス、商業施設の一体開発が進む将来性の高いエリアに位置し、隣接する川辺の環境を活かした設計となっています。大通り側に300ⅿ連続する壁面には、180mm角の可動金属パネルを取り付け、そよ風を受けて川の流れのように揺れ動く新しいデザインとしました。This project was for a large scale mixed-use commercial facility comprising a 110,000 square meter commercial building with 200 stores and two landmark oce buildings. Located in an area brimming with future potential for integrated developments that combine residential, office, and commercial facilities, even within Shanghai’s Pudong area, the project features a design that leverages the adjacent riverside setting. Movable square metal panels measuring 180mm across were installed on the continuous 300m wall facing the main road, creating a new design that sways like a owing river when it catches the breeze. CompletionDecember, 2019LocationPudong, Shanghai,ChinaBuilding UseRetail, OceSite Area38,100m²Total Floor Area238,000m²Floors27 above ground3 basementStructureRCProject Data026

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