三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2020

Project ViewYear Book 2020工場跡地を学びの場に転換するプロジェクト。オンライン時代における、リアルな「学びの賑わい」を創出できる場とするため、学生が集いやすい1棟集約型のキャンパス計画となっています。核となる「浮遊する」図書館と屋内広場を囲むように教室を配置。この構成は、3つの角部のオーバーハングとともに建物の基礎面積を低減し、29カ月の短い設計・施工期間を実現しました。外装は校章のサクラをモチーフにしたステンレスキャスト。また、広い敷地を地域住民が出入りする、周囲とシームレスに繋がる環境をつくっています。This was a project to convert the site of a former factory into a place of learning. In order to create a place that would be capable of generating a real-life sense of “lively learning” in the online age, the campus was designed to be concentrated in a single block where students could gather easily. Classrooms were arranged around a central, “floating” library and indoor plaza. This configuration, along with the three corner overhangs, served to reduce the building’s base area, and allowed it to be designed and constructed within the short span of 29 months. The exterior, in cast stainless steel, features the cherry blossom motif found in the school emblem. In addition, an environment that allows local residents to come and go across an expansive site that connects seamlessly with its surroundings has been created. CompletionMarch, 2019LocationIbaraki City, Osaka, JapanBuilding UseSchoolSite Area64,415m²Total Floor Area20,409m²Floors5 above ground, StructureS, SRCProject Data環境対応▪桜を模したエコスクリーンが日射負荷と周辺風環境を改善▪逆三角形の形態と庇、エコスクリーンで、日射による床面熱取得量を約50%低減▪吹き抜けに面する図書館壁面のリフレクタシートが90%の反射率で屋内光源量を低減007

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